Is Portfolio Recovery Making You Feel Threatened? Protect Yourself by Learning Your Rights (2023)

You are not alone if you have been bombarded with calls and letters from Portfolio Recovery. Customers who owe the debt collection firm money often say its pushy methods make them feel harassed and scared.

You are, nevertheless, safeguarded by the law from such treatment. You can halt Portfolio Recovery’s harassing behavior if you familiarize yourself with your legal options. Everything you need to know to counter Portfolio Recovery is covered in this article.


Companies like Portfolio Recovery buy debt from creditors to recoup some of that money. Some debt collectors act morally, while others resort to harassment or abuse to get what they’re owed from customers. Portfolio Recovery has been accused of using abusive debt collection practices, such as constant contact by phone and mail, legal threats, and the pursuit of debts well past their statute of limitations.

The definition of Portfolio Recovery.

Portfolio Recovery is a creditor’s rights firm with offices in Norfolk, VA. The organization had gone a long way since its 1996 inception as a small debt collection agency. Portfolio Recovery buys debts from creditors at deep discounts and then pursues payment from the debtor.

Just how does Portfolio Recovery Work?

Portfolio Recovery employs a wide range of strategies to pursue consumer debt repayment. Initial contact with the debtor may include letters and phone calls from the company. If these methods are unsuccessful, Portfolio Recovery may sue the debtor or sell the debt to a different collection firm. The corporation may also notify credit bureaus of the debt, which could harm the debtor’s credit rating.

Is Portfolio Recovery Making You Feel Threatened?

You may be the target of harassment if Portfolio Recovery contacts you repeatedly via phone and mail. When trying to collect a debt, debt collectors are prohibited from using any abusive, fraudulent, or unfair practices by the Fair Debt Collection Practises Act (FDCPA). The Fair Debt Collection Practises Act saves people from debt collectors like Portfolio Recovery, who are mean to them.

Informed Citizenship There are various safeguards for consumers whom debt collectors are harassing, according to the Fair Debt Collection Practises Act (FDCPA). Included in these safeguards are:

Contact Restrictions

Debt collectors can only contact you after 8 a.m. or after 9 p.m. They’re not allowed to if you tell them they can’t get you at work.

Verification Owed

You have the option to request a written confirmation of the debt. The debt collector must prove your debt if you dispute it.

Restrictions Against Harassment

Debt collectors are prohibited from using abusive language or other coercive tactics. They also can’t put your name on a “bad debt” list or harass you with phone calls.

False or misleading claims are not allowed.

Collectors must accurately represent your debt and tell you that a different amount is due. No one has the right to threaten you with arrest or pose as an attorney if they are not one.

Strategy for Countering Portfolio Revival

You have options if Portfolio Recovery is bugging you. The following are some suggestions:

Maintain a File

Document all correspondence with Portfolio Recovery, including calls and letters. Remember to write down your conversation’s time, date, and details.

Inquire about the Debt’s Authenticity

If you have doubts about whether or not you owe the money, you should get written confirmation of the debt. The debt collector has the burden of proving your debt to you.

Don’t Pay What You Owe

Debts you don’t believe you owe or have been miscalculated should be contested in writing. The debt collector is obligated to look into your complaint.

Complaint Form

Suppose Portfolio Recovery ignores your requests for them to cease contacting you. In that case, you can submit a complaint with the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) or the attorney general in your state. The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau and the state’s attorney general’s office can investigate the harassment claims and file suit against Portfolio Recovery if warranted.

Talk to a Lawyer About Your Consumer Protection Rights

Talking to an attorney specializing in consumer rights might help determine what steps to take if Portfolio Recovery is harassing you. A lawyer specializing in consumer rights can protect your interests in settlement negotiations or litigation.


Paycheck garnishment by Portfolio Recovery?

With a valid court order, Portfolio Recovery can garnish your earnings. The employer may be entitled to garnish your pay if they have a judgment against you.

Do I risk being sued by Portfolio Recovery for an old debt?

Portfolio Recovery can sue you for an old debt, but there is a time limit on when they can do so because of the statute of limitations on debt. Each state has its own limits period that is also debt-specific.

Can Portfolio Recovery notify my loved ones?

Creditors are prohibited by law from sharing details of your debt with anyone, including members of your own family. To find you, they can only talk to other people.

Can Portfolio Recovery and I agree on a compromise?

A compromise with Portfolio Recovery is possible. You can negotiate a settlement with the debt collector on your own or with the assistance of a consumer protection attorney.

Can I file a harassment claim against Portfolio Recovery?

Portfolio Recovery can be sued for harassment under the Fair Debt Collection Practises Act. Damages, including attorney fees and court costs, may be awarded if you prevail.

How long can I expect to receive calls from Portfolio Recovery?

Until you ask them to stop, debt collectors can keep calling you. After you’ve asked them to stop, they can only contact you again to confirm that they’re pursuing a particular action, like filing a lawsuit.


The law protects you from Portfolio Recovery’s harassment if you feel you have been mistreated. You can stop Portfolio Recovery from harassing you if you keep track of your conversations, ask for written proof of the debt, and file a formal complaint with the company. Talking to a lawyer specializing in consumer law helps determine what steps to take against the debt collector. It would help if you didn’t let Portfolio Recovery scare you into paying a debt you might not owe. If you feel threatened, defend yourself.

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